Saturday 20 February 2010

3rd February - Day 3 Safari - Serengeti National Park

We woke this morning to hear all manner of wildife noises. Hoping for the sunrise, we had left all the tent flaps open, with just the mesh protecting us from bugs etc on the front and sides. I opened my eyes and could just see a bright orange glow all around us. Simon grabbed the camera to catch it before it was all over.

A little later
The porter brought us fresh coffee and washing water. We went for breakfast and one of the Belgian doctors asked if we'd heard the lions roaring during the night. I said that we'd both gone straight to sleep and didn't wake until morning. The cook said they had been quite close!

We packed up the landrover and took a packed lunch. We headed towards Seronera, which is in the central are of the Serengeti. We circled a pile of boulders and found a lioness with her cub.
This little guy was nearby

Here the highlight of the day came, when James found a leopard. We patiently waited to see if we could get the creature to come closer but we had to be content with viewing through binoculars. We do have pictures but they are from a distance. However, it is clearly visible here in this zoom, sitting on the branch in the shade.
We waited for this hippo to raise his head but he wouldn;t oblige!
We saw very few elephants today
After a long day we headed back to camp, where I caught the sunset
We showered, had dinner and sat by the campfire. As we watched the flames and chatted the lions roared!! There is nothinbg quite like being in the middle of nowhere in Africa, exposed to all the elements, with only a tent for security - and hearing lions roaring nearby!!!

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