Saturday 20 February 2010

4th February - Day 4 Safari - Serengeti National Park

It rained heavily overnight but it had stopped by the time we got up and the skies were clearing. We washed dressed, had breakfast and went to find James, who was busy drying out the landrover. He'd not expected the rain and had left the roof up. He whipped off the seat covers, wiped everything down and we were ready to go. We decided to not go so far away today, do a morning game drive and come back to the camp for a cooked lunch. Then, later in the afternoon we'd go out again. Late afternoon/early evening game drives are better, as in the middle of the day when its hot the animals will seek shade and rest.

This was to be 'The day of the cats'. I cannot believe we saw so many cats in one day. We saw 4 in total in our whole time in Kenya, whereas here we saw that many in about half an hour. I also can't believe how close we got to them. Here is our first find, a large male

One of his pride was lying nearby

Another Lioness found a short time later, finishing off a kill
A short while later we found this lioness in a bush with her cub. As we got closer the cub disappeared into the bush so we didnt get a shot of it unfortunately
The lioness in the bush was not only protecting her cub but had hidden this partially eaten Zebra nearby
How majestic does this guy look?
Now it was the turn of the cheetas
We were just feet away from these guys!!
I spotted this Lion - James missed it!! but he skillfully got us right up to him. I was literally 3 feet from this guy and had to move back to get him in the picture!! What a beautiful sight.
Just for a change, here's a giraffe!!
A lioness who still has evidence on her of eating a kill
A pair of gazelle having a scrap
After a great day, we headed back to camp, showered and changed just in time for dinner. Again, by the camp fire we heard the lions.

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